Industrial Design
Industrial design is similar to people wearing beautiful clothes and make up. Cosmetic and clothes may increase a person’s aesthetic value and make the person look attractive. This can be applied to product. A not attractive or not well-designed product will not able to catch the eye of consumers.
The activities of imitating and copying are increasing. The related legal bodies are not able to eliminate this type of activities, thus the only way is ‘self-protected’. You will not know when you will be the victim of the above activities, however, if you able to fully protect yourselves at first, then you will not be worried and afraid of people copying or imitating your design or people sue you for infringing their design.
- Ornamental or aesthetic aspect of a product.
- Consist of 3D such as the shape, 2D such as pattern and ornamentation.
- Must appeal to eye.
- Strengthen product.
A not attractive or not well-designed product will not able to catch the eye of consumers.
Not Protected by Industrial Design Rights:
- Designs do not meet requirements of novelty, originality or individual character.
- Designs incorporating protected official symbols or emblems E.g. National flags.
- Designs consider to be contrary to public order or morality.
- Traditional designs and traditional cultural expressions are often regarded as ‘public domain’ by Intellectual Property laws and cannot be protected.